Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Star Wars DVD Day?

An annoucement to all Star Wars fans/nerds: Shut the fuck up.

The original movies in their original forms are finally out on DVD. I, for one, am pleased. Han shot first. That's all I wanted. I was never really that up in arms about the other changes, except for that one. Now, that it's fixed, I have nothing further to say. I can even say, having finally seen it, that Hayden Christensen's appearance at the end of Return of the Jedi isn't so bad. And I've got a good copy of my favorite movies on DVD. End of story.

Or at least, it should be. Thing is, people are bitching about minor things this time around. Real minor stuff. Who cares about the box art? How many times a day are you going to look at it? Who's actually going to say, "Man, this movie sucks because the box art looks Photoshopped." Who cares about whether it's Dolby Digital or Dolby 5.1? Who cares about aspect ratio? I don't even know what that stuff means, I just hear you guys say it all the time. No one cared about it when it came out the first time and seeing it as it was presented then (and on my worn-out, dubbed tape), all my frustrations towards that man are pretty much gone.

Why are you so upset with George Lucas for releasing the same movie six times? No one told you to go buy it every time. Anyone with a head on their shoulders knew that eventually he was going to release the original versions again. All you had to do was be patient. He's a businessman. He also knows that most of you are suckers who will actually buy the same movie six times.

Now that I own the movies that I wanted, the "Star Wars Negativity Train" can stop and let me off. Thank you, George Lucas, for finally not acting like a dick. At least for this brief moment.

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